My photographs of small town folks have always shown people on their own turf, their own particular social landscapes, which often are a jumble-tumble of stuff in backyards. I‘ve been drawn to their gardens, their plot of ground on this earth. The intertwining of peoples’ lives and their relationship to their own home ground has always interested me.
In 2008-9, I undertook a specific project to photograph the man-made, formal architectural landscape at Innisfree Garden in Millbrook, New York, which became part of a one-person exhibit “Dialogue With A Collection” at the University Museum of Contemporary Art, Amherst, Ma.
“The rituals of backyard gardeners have probably never been so carefully notated as by Ms. Rupp.”
-“The Story of Photography as Told on Both Coasts,” Richard
Woodward, The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 22, 2007.